Project Update: Mukooda Hiking Trail

With support from Voyageurs National Park Association, the National Park Service is developing a new hiking trail near Mukooda Lake, on the eastern side of Voyageurs National Park.

The hiking trail will provide excellent recreational and sightseeing opportunities, just a short boat ride from the Crane Lake community. Last fall, a young-adult crew from the Student Conservation Association (SCA) completed a short trail that leads visitors to the historic Filben Cabin remains. This trail leads south of the day-use and campsites and offers exceptional views of Mukooda Lake. At the end of your hike, transport back in time at the Filben Cabin remains: the hideout of  the notorious gangster John Dillinger. 

Remains of the Historic Filben Cabin, located on the southern Mukooda Hiking Trail

Remains of the Historic Filben Cabin, located on the southern Mukooda Hiking Trail

Mukooda Lake Trail Map

Mukooda Lake Trail Map

Last week, another SCA young-adult crew finished up their six-week session at the park. The crew persisted through thick vegetation and mosquitoes to complete approximately 0.75 miles of trail building north of the Mukooda campsites. A second crew will work on the remaining 2 miles for the remainder of the summer, with the hopes of completing the trail in September. 

“This work is important because as our world grows more and more urban, opportunities to get outside and enjoy green spaces are offered to only a select group of people. I think opening trails and making things accessible provides opportunity for the public to get outside,” a crew member commented.

Once finished, this approximately 3-mile trail will offer visitors outstanding views of Mukooda Lake and hiking opportunities near the Crane Lake entry point. Voyageurs National Park Association would like to thank our members, the Student Conservation Association, REI, and the National Park Foundation for supporting this project.

Northern section of Mukooda Hiking Trail

Northern section of Mukooda Hiking Trail
