Sixteen Acres Permanently Protected in Voyageurs National Park

Through the assistance of the Voyageurs Conservancy, the National Park Service has added two parcels of land to Voyageurs National Park totaling 16 acres in 2020

The Conservancy completed the transfer of 6 acres within the boundary to the National Park Service, permanently adding the acreage to Voyageurs National Park. Support for this conservation project was made possible by the Wallace C. Dayton Voyageurs National Park Legacy Fund and the National Park Foundation. The formerly privately owned site is on the Rainy Lake side of a 75,000-acre roadless area, the Kabetogama Peninsula, which provides habitat for wolves, black bear, moose, otter and eagles. 

While the previous landowners wish to remain anonymous, they provided the following comment:

“We are grateful our piece of property in the beautiful wilderness will remain a wilderness and not cluttered or despoiled by billboards or commercialization. We also recognize constant vigilance is necessary to protect and preserve a wilderness. The National Park System at present offers this assurance. May it always be so!”

Additionally, the National Park Service added a 10-acre tract of land to the park with funding support from the Conservancy and National Park Foundation.

Voyageurs National Park, one of the nation's wildest, most remote and unique national parks, stretches 55-miles along the Minnesota-Ontario border, encompassing 218,055 acres of land and water. Over 700 acres of privately-owned properties remain within the park’s boundaries.

“The continued work of acquiring private lands from willing sellers within the park boundaries is a priority at Voyageurs National Park. Through this process the lands are assured to be protected, and available for the enjoyment of all for generations to come,” stated Bob DeGross, Superintendent.

The National Park Service and the Voyageurs Conservancy partner on the Land Preservation Initiative. The initiative helps the agency work with willing sellers to restore developed acreage to a pristine natural state, improving scenic views, and opening additional space for all park visitors to enjoy.

The Land Preservation Initiative is supported by the National Park Foundation, which works in partnership with the National Park Service and the park partner community to ensure that national parks reach their fullest potential and connect with as many people as possible. Land protection projects and land acquisition at Voyageurs are made possible through the Wallace C. Dayton Voyageurs National Park Legacy Fund, a critical land conservation fund named in memory of Wallace Dayton, a well-beloved conservationist and outdoor enthusiast, and created in partnership with his family. Dayton was one of the founders of Voyageurs National Park Association and helped establish the park. The Conservancy wishes to thank its members and contributors to the Wallace C. Dayton Voyageurs National Park Legacy Fund, as well as Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. for their ongoing pro bono support of land conservation efforts in Voyageurs National Park.
