Wildlife Research Associate Position Open

Voyageurs National Park Association, in cooperation with Voyageurs National Park, is looking for qualified applicants to assist with data analysis and manuscript preparation related to a long-term field data set on American beavers in Voyageurs National Park. The work is part of an effort to understand the effects of hydroelectric dams and water-level management on beaver distribution, population dynamics, and fitness in park lakes. Data includes mark-recapture data; indices of body condition, disease status, and productivity from live-trapping; fall aerial cache surveys; and landscape-level metrics of activity based on aerial photos and remote sensing data.

The wildlife research associate will be responsible for assisting VNP staff with data management and analysis tasks for existing datasets, and writing portions of reports or manuscripts. The successful applicant may have the opportunity to assume primary writing responsibilities for at least 1 manuscript to be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal, depending on experience.

Location: The position will be based in International Falls, MN, at Voyageurs National Park’s headquarters building. The park will provide office space and computer support. Project oversight will be performed by Dr. Steve Windels, Wildlife Biologist at Voyageurs National Park.

Salary: $15,000-$20,000 for 6-month contract, depending on experience. The contract may be extended, depending on available funding. The contract will be administered by Voyageurs National Park Association. There are no benefits with this position.

Qualifications: a minimum of a MS degree in Wildlife Biology, Ecology, or other closely-related field. Applicants should have experience publishing quality research in peer-reviewed science journals, or made significant contributions to data analysis and/or writing for other work in peer-reviewed science journals. Applicants should be proficient in GIS, modern spatial analysis techniques, and modern statistical methods. Preferred qualifications are demonstrated experience with data management of large datasets, experience with mammals, and population demography modeling.

Application materials should include: 1) cover letter, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) list of 3 references with complete contact information.

Applications can be emailed to Steve_Windels@nps.gov.

Start Date: November 1, 2014.

Application deadline: Review of applications will begin August 15, 2014 until a successful candidate is found.

"Beaver Dam" by Stefan from Roscommon, United States - Flickr. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons