Voyageurs and BWCAW Protected from Toxic Mining for 20 Years

On Thursday, January 26, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland signed a Public Land Order (PLO) banning copper mining on 225,504 acres of federal land in the headwaters of the Boundary Waters, Voyageurs National Park and 1854 Treaty Area, for 20 years.

The PLO, called a mineral withdrawal, bans toxic mining on 225,504 acres of Superior National Forest land in the watershed of the BWCAW and upstream of the Wilderness. The PLO comes after the Forest Service published a comprehensive scientific review finding that sulfide-ore copper mining would pollute the Boundary Waters in ways that could not be fixed or mitigated. The PLO and the final Environmental Assessment (EA) are expected to be released soon

The EA explains that the purpose of the proposed 20-year mining ban is to protect andpreserve the natural and cultural resources in the watershed, including the Boundary Waters, the adjoining Mining Protection Area, and the 1854 Ceded Territory, from the known and potentially adverse environmental impacts arising from the exploration and development of federally owned minerals.

In particular, the ban was deemed necessary to protect and preserve the unique water quality, scenic integrity, important wildlife corridors, and high-quality recreation values found in the watershed. The draft EA further elaborates on how the Boundary Waters’ complex and interconnected ecosystem offers recreational opportunities and other uses, which make it an irreplaceable national treasure that would be at severe risk from sulfide-ore copper mining without the mineral withdrawal.

“Protecting a place like Boundary Waters is key to supporting the health of the watershed and its surrounding wildlife, upholding our Tribal trust and treaty responsibilities, and boosting the local recreation economy,” Haaland said in a statement. “With an eye toward protecting this special place for future generations, I have made this decision using the best available science and extensive public input.”

In January 2022, the federal mineral leases for Chilean mining giant Antofagasta's Twin Metals project were revoked by the Department of Interior (DOI). DOI concluded that the leases had been unlawfully renewed by the Trump administration. There are currently no active mineral leases on federal land in the withdrawal area. Under the PLO announced today, none can be issued for twenty years. 

“We thank Secretary Haaland for protecting the BWCAW and Voyageurs National Park, a region that epitomizes the unique outdoor heritage of Minnesota. Voyageurs encompasses a vast system of interconnected waterways first traveled by the Ojibwe and other Indigenous peoples, and then European Voyageurs, and today is enjoyed every year by over 240,000 anglers, kayakers, houseboaters and more. This decision recognizes the importance of protecting these habitats and the outdoor recreation economy they support.” - Voyageurs Conservancy Executive Director, Christina Hausman Rhode

WhY Does this matter?

This decision is a further blow to the proposed Twin Metals mine (which is owned by the Chilean mining giant Antofagasta) near Ely, Minn. and other potential mines for copper, nickel and precious metals within the Rainy River Watershed.

Independent scientific studies confirm that sulfide-ore copper mining on lands adjacent to rivers and lakes that flow into the Boundary Waters and into Voyageurs National Park and Ontario’s Quetico Provincial Park would seriously harm the Wilderness and the Parks as well as the lands and waters on which mining activity occurs.  

Even small amounts of acid mine contamination leaking into the Rainy River Drainage Basin would impact Voyageurs’ ecosystem for decades and threaten its pristine waters and wildlife, world-class fishing, and the family-owned small businesses that serve park visitors.

The risks associated with copper, nickel and other sulfide mining operations exist during all phases of mine development, implementation, closure and long-term remediation. Potential impacts to water resources include changes in water quantity and quality, contamination from acid mine drainage and seepage, and tailings basin failures. In addition there would be cumulative impacts with several projects being explored in Northern Minnesota.

To date, not a single sulfide mining project has operated and closed without producing polluted drainage.

What’s Next?

The state of Minnesota is currently conducting its own review of whether sulfide-ore copper mining should be allowed in the Rainy River Headwaters. Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness (NMW) sued the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) alleging the state's current rules were inadequate to protect the BWCAW as is legally required. The DNR is currently evaluating these rules, and a decision is expected before May 31, 2023. If the DNR finds the rules to be inadequate, then an administrative process will be conducted to amend the rules so that they adequately protect the Boundary Waters. There is also pending legislation to permanently protect the BWCAW at the state level.