Winter Trails Report: February 20th, 2025
Photo Credit: NPS/B. Line
The past few weeks have seen some of the coldest temperatures so far at Voyageurs, and our trail system is in great shape! The wind has created snow drifts, so some areas are a rough ride particularly off trail. All the portages and trails have been groomed this week and the snow has set nicely in the cold temperatures.
The Kabetogama spur road crosses the Green Trail. The crossing is marked but be alert to cross traffic and mind the signage in the area. The Kabetogama sledding hill is set up with plenty of snow, a fire pit, and firewood. Come on out and take a turn sliding down the hill!
Photo Credit: NPS/B. Line
Two pressure ridges on the Green Trail required staff to reroute the trail, which is marked with stakes. If you ride off the staked trails, be alert for pressure ridges, as they have been expanding over the past few weeks. Pressure ridges, reroutes, and other hazards can be difficult to see in low visibility conditions or if traveling at high speeds. Portages are being groomed twice per week.
Be sure to exercise caution in these and other hazardous areas where the ice is still thin: sand bars, shorelines, and shallow areas. Ice is never 100% safe!
Bookmark this webpage to find weekly winter trail reports and find out which trails across the lakes are closed or open. Scroll to the end of the page for links to other regional trail reports:
Alerts & Conditions - Voyageurs National Park (U.S. National Park Service)
Purple Trail (International Falls to Kettle Falls): Open
Green Trail (Rainy Lake/Black Bay to Kabetogama Lake to Ash River): Open
Green Trail (Ash River to Crane Lake): Open
Dashed Black Trail Chain of Lakes: Open
Yellow Trail (Ash River to Kettle Falls): Open
Blue Trail (East Namakan Lake to Sand Point Lake): Open
Rainy Lake Ice Road: Open to Cranberry Bay (13 miles)
Rainy Lake Dryweed Loop: CLOSED
Kabetogama Lake Ice Road: Open from Kab VC to Ash River VC (10 miles)
Kabetogama Lake Ice Road West and East Spur Roads: Open
Echo Bay Ski Trail: Open packed and tracked
Rainy Lake Rec Trail: Open; packed and tracked
Black Bay Ski Trail: Open; novice loop and figure 8 packed and tracked Ridge trail CLOSED
Tilson Connector Trail: Open; packed and tracked
Rainy Lake Recreation Trail: Open
Oberholtzer Trail: Open
Black Bay Beaver Pond Trail: Open
KabAsh Trail: Open
Blind Ash Bay Trail: Open
Sullivan Bay Trail: Open
Sledding Hill: Open
Ice Rink: CLOSED
For information on the land trails in communities nearby check out these links:
Voyageur Trail Society - Trail Updates
International Voyageurs Snowmobile Club Trail Report
Snow Depth and Groomed Trail Conditions | Minnesota DNR
Ash River Kabetogama Snowdrifters Trail Reports
Ash River Kabetogama Snowdrifters Facebook Page
Polar Polers Ski Club Facebook Page