Voyageurs National Park to Conduct Perscribed Burns at IW Stevens Site on Namakan Lake

Voyageurs National Park plans to conduct prescribed burns of previously thinned materials potentially beginning the week of 9/25, and subsequent weeks through October as conditions allow. The prescribed burn activity will take place at the historic I.W. Stevens home site on Namakan Lake.

The project consists of removing dead and down trees, as well as live balsam fir, with the intent of creating defensible space around structures in the event of a future wildfire. National Park Service fire management crews have been cutting and piling the material with the intent of burning the piles as the preferred method of disposal.

Smoke may be visible in the area at the time of burning. However, Smoke will be kept to a minimum, as the burning will be conducted over the course of several days. Updates will be posted on the park’s website and facebook page.


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