Voyageurs National Park Staff Remove Cattail Mat on Kabetogama Lake
In late May of this year, a floating cattail mat, approximately a third of an acre in size, was located at the eastern end of Lost Bay on Lake Kabetogama near the Cruiser Lake Trailhead. The mat lodged itself onto a rock pile in front of the Cruiser Lake Trail dock. On October 5 Voyageurs National Park staff were able to work with contractors to remove the mat, greatly reducing future risks to navigation, or further spread of cattails into other areas.
A small portion of the mat remains lodged on a rock pile located in the middle of Lost Bay. With waters receding, the mat will remain until high-water period next July. Park staff will revisit the area next summer and remove the remaining portion of the mat during that time. The remaining mat poses no threat to navigation.
Hybrid Cattail Pre-Treatment
Hybrid Cattail Post-Treatment