Voyageurs National Park Association Welcomes Amy Arcand and Stephen Dupont to Board of Directors

Voyageurs National Park Association (VNPA) has named two new members to its board of directors: Amy Arcand and Stephen Dupont. Their enthusiasm, experience, and commitment to public lands will offer tremendous support to keeping Voyageurs National Park wild.

Amy Arcand joins the VNPA board with a wealth of nonprofit experience. After working as an executive director for 15 years, she currently owns and operates Willow Consulting, which specializes in nonprofit interim management, community engagement, and facilitation. Additionally, Voyageurs has been a special place to Amy since their family has been going to the park for generations. Her extended family cabin is on Sand Point Lake, and she and her husband have a small cabin in Crane Lake, where they hope to spend their summers in retirement.

“I am interested in serving on the board because I care deeply about the mission and want to work to preserve and improve Voyageurs National Park,” said Amy. As a board member she hopes to contribute an understanding of nonprofit governance, finances, and management, a connection to people in Crane Lake, and help with campaigns. 

Stephen Dupont has more than 30 years of public relations and marketing experience. He is vice president of public relations and branded content at Project Hercules, a Minneapolis-based creative and branding firm, where he works with a number of organizations that are passionate about the outdoors. Dupont, an avid angler and outdoor enthusiast, also is a frequent writer and speaker on topics involving public relations, branding, marketing, business, technology and strategic foresight. His writing can be found in numerous publications such as Strategies and Tactics and

“I’m excited to join the VNPA and serve as an advocate for Voyageurs National Park,” said Dupont. “In our look-at-our-mobile-phones-every-other-minute world, we need to protect and share Voyageurs National Park with people of all ages and all backgrounds who desperately need wild places to restore their sense of balance and spirit.”