Help Reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund
Please Take a Few Minutes to Help Reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund
On September 30th, for the first time in more than 50 years, Congress allowed the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to expire. Called America's most important conservation program, the Land and Water Conservation Fund does not use any taxpayer money; it is funded entirely by oil extraction profits from offshore drilling. Since 1963, LWCF has provided funding for protecting and enhancing our country's most beautiful and important national parks, wildlife refuges, wilderness areas, monuments, as well as state and local parks. It also helps ensure all Americans have access to quality outdoor recreation.
In Voyageurs National Park, the LWCF Federal Land Protection Program has been vital to land conservation efforts by Voyageurs National Park Association and the National Park Service. Just last year, LWCF made it possible for us to protect an additional 61 acres within Voyageurs National Park.
The expiration of the LWCF significantly impacts VNPA’s ability to protect and preserve the lands and waters we all cherish. Please call your representative today and urge them to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund now.
Despite this inexcusable lapse by our elected officials, some in Congress are continuing the fight to protect our nation’s public lands. Our best chance to include LWCF in legislation is to ask representatives and senators of both parties to continue pressing this case with their party's leadership. It is vital that our representatives include LWCF in a legislative package before the end of the year - and those packages are being negotiated now.
If you'd like to learn more about the Land and Water Conservation Fund, there is a wealth of information on the LWCF Coalition website.